Does Winter Really Affect a Home’s Foundation?

During the winter, potential thawing and freezing are not usually considered a significant threat, though cold weather could still be very destructive to your home. Low temperatures, together with occasional freezing rain, ice, and snowfall, can significantly affect your foundation and cause far-reaching structural damage across your entire home. So, how can winter really affect…

3 Benefits Of Concrete Leveling

Concrete leveling can do wonders when it comes to leveling out old concrete that has become uneven and structurally unsound.  Here are three awesome benefits of concrete leveling. Cheaper Than Having It Replaced  One great reason to go with leveling is because it is cheaper than replacing the concrete entirely. You instead have the concrete…

Common Signs of a Faulty Slab Foundation (And, What To Do Next)

A slab foundation is the bedrock of your family’s home. So– it’s understood–when you notice symptoms of a compromised footprint, rapid and deliberate action must be taken. Your home’s foundation provides the integral groundwork for the structure that sits above. Therefore, any adverse change to the foundation may quickly be evidenced elsewhere in your home;…